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Archangel Raphael

~A Message from Archangel Raphael~                 December 2024 


Most Beloved Friends,


Another year is coming to its closure. Twelve months are winding down. This means different things to each person. Since you are unique and one of a kind, of course it will be different to each. Yes, there will be many similarities, but no one thinks the same as everyone else, no one feels, sees, hears in the same way. This is what is so much fun in your game of life!

As the world as you know it continues to shift and change, there are many occurrences globally as well as individually that can get stirred up a bit. And these 'disturbances' no matter where or with whom they might be, can be like a storm of massive intenseness and far-reaching.


You are now able to see more coherently that things are changing. The energy of the collective is changing and it is a beautiful thing to observe. Many have had their eyes opened to be able to see from a different perspective. This is so important because if one stays rigid in the ways things have always been, in what they believe is true and there is no other way and refuses to look at everything from a different perspective, then life cannot change for the better for them. Change is always constant and will always come no matter if everyone gets on the train or not. They can be left at the station waiting for the next train to arrive and it may be a very long time and may not arrive at all. But they always have the choice and that choice is just fine for them.


Consider it to be like a big pot of stew. So the heat is turned on under that big pot of stew and it begins to boil. And boil it does. With global stew, there are many who keep adding spices to it and changing the tastes. With the individual, they add their own particular flavorings. All is good and there is no right or wrong to any flavor that they add.

Just as everything changes from moment to moment, so does the stew. The harder it boils, the more it becomes a hot pot so to speak.

Let us look at your own particular stew. First we will see what is cooking with the global pot. Oh yes, there are many aspects or flavorings being added at all times. An event occurs which is filled with chaos and fear and then the more widespread the news of it becomes, the more of the fear and anger flavorings can be added.

Each thought you have goes into that stew of human consciousness. Every single thought you have. So when you toss in your thought flavor, your neighbor puts in his or hers, and on and on you go.  A lot of cooks are working on this broth. Spoil it? That is a matter of thought. Can you visualize our metaphor? Can you see a gigantic black pot that is over an intense fire and billions of thoughts that are based in fear
are being added at each moment? If you can, you get the idea of how big this is.


Of course your media has a big purpose: that is to make that fear-based flavor, the spice of the day. And they are very good at it. When the human consciousness buys into this fear, those fearful thoughts land in the stew. That stew is now very, very spicy and not fit to be consumed.

Now let us look at the individual stew pot. It is much different than that of mass consciousness for each individual has his or her own chosen spices. Some will add hot spices to their stew to get a kick out of it for they like to play with fire so to speak. They get caught up in that fear as well, so they are adding to both stew pots. That takes a lot of work and energy to keep this up.

Now let us go in another direction. Let us say that the individual decides that he or she will not play the 'fire up the hot stew' game and instead has thoughts that are of kindness, love, tolerance, trust, compassion and allowing. They are opening up a whole new spice cupboard now. They let their stew simmer and not boil. They allow it to become a delicious and delectable, perfectly flavored stew that has all the time needed for it to be finished. They allow ideas and thoughts to form without reacting and just
tossing in something that might not be the flavor they seek.

And of course, because they are using the flavoring we listed, their thoughts mirror that and they go into the consciousness.

Beloved Ones, your thoughts do matter. You are here to help usher in the love of Source in this new Golden Era. Can you stay in that space of the stew of loving thoughts and not get caught up in the drama of mass fear which sometimes can be mass hysteria?  Can you put loving thoughts into the global stew pot?

We ask you to begin to let go of any fear-based thoughts that see doom and gloom. All is just as it should be and all will come to be just as it should. The faster it can come to fruition depends on each of you and how you live, think, and be.

Can you let go of hasty judging and pointing your finger at something or someone that is not agreeable to your thoughts and opinions? Can you not see that there is always a broader picture and perspective to everything? Can you not follow the crowd and be your own producer of your thoughts? You are perfectly capable and are supposed to be doing this. Don't be one of the herd that plays ‘follow the leader’ for that leader just might take you into a place you do not want to go. 

We invite you to become more of an observer who listens, sees and feels with your heart. Love conquers everything. Love is all that matters. If you are holding love in your heart and thoughts, then everything will follow into place. You are love. That is your true essence. The Creator/Source did not design anyone to be hate. No one is anything but love, no matter what they do or how it may seem to be otherwise.

Your loving and kind thoughts are what is going to bring about the beautiful change that is attempting to come. You are here to do this. You can do this. You are needed to hold space for love and Light to cover the planet everywhere.

Everyone has a role to play and each role is equally important. If you can look at it as many, many stages which are simultaneously putting on a play, than you can see how life is. Play on your stage and allow every other play to do what it wants to do. You can play 'nice' or not. You can have a stage filled with love and joy or one that is the opposite. It is your choice, but Beloveds, you are here to co-exist as one with all and to shine your Light upon the world in your own uniqueness. You cannot shine that Light if it is based in anything but love. It cannot shine as it is meant to shine.  Fear not, love much.

Love heals. Begin by loving yourself, every aspect, every part of you, inside and out. Love heals. Be it and do it Beloveds. The effort will be more than worth the result.

May this December be one filled with love all around in all ways. Open your eyes in a new way and see how love exists in everything: in everything and everyone.

Loving Humanity and the Gloriousness of You,
Archangel Raphael© 

~A Message from Archangel Raphael~            December 2023


Beloved and Divine Ones,

December 2023 is here. The last month of a year that has brought monumental moments (which often seemed like eons to some of you) of changes, challenges and healing. The year that everyone has had what seemed to be  relentless upheaval, chaos and growth both in the outer world and within each one of you.

So here you are in this moment and this experience that you call time. Now is when it would be wise to stop, take some nice deep, deep breaths and let go.

Oh Beloved Ones you have all been through many of those changes, challenges and a lot of healing has occurred even if it does not seem to be so. 

You have released a lot. If we could put all that you have released into a container to store it we would need one very large container.  

And is this not what you have let go? You have your waste baskets and your waste disposal containers. Waste? What do you put in those containers? Is it wasteful stuff that no longer serves you but instead has been occupying space that could be filled with what you want? Of course it is and you do it without fretting and worrying and holding onto that which is in the need of going bye bye from your space.

And the best part is that the waste you are getting rid of is not material so there is no worry about it piling up in a garbage dump somewhere for it all goes into the ethers and is transmuted into all good like love.

Oh how wonderful it will feel to have released, let go, cleared, recreated, processed, emptied, and changed all that baggage and heaviness that has been weighing you down. Some of it has been carried around for months on end and even from prior years and lifetimes in some cases! You can feel light as a feather – Angel feathers if you so wish! 

Yes of course this is an on-going process. But you are up to any challenge now. You have already earned your merit badge. Do not let up, as there is more to let go. There are many badges waiting to be yours.

If you were to sit down and put into words all that you have already released we think you would be amazed. Do you remember much of it or has that recalling gone too? And if that is true, we say “Good job” for you have not only let it go, you let go of it even being in existence. And if you still remember some that is okay too. Those too will become part of your distant memories and be forgotten.

There are always dates that come up that are important and need to be recognized. These are doorways in which Light, bright and powerful Light, will pour onto and into the Earth in tremendous waves and bathe all in its glow. So if the energies of the Full and New Moon call to you then by all means jump in. If portal numerical dates draw your attention then do pay attention. If eclipses are in your awareness then it is best to let the energy come to you.

Now we are not saying that you should or need to do any of this. You uniquely as well as being in the human consciousness are continually offered nuggets, big ones and smaller ones, for you to play with. 
There is so much out there way beyond your Earthly experience that is there for the offering. It is for you to follow your inner guidance and take steps to explore and create from what you see, feel and become aware.

Life is supposed to be delightful, fun and filled with magical moments. You are a Divine Being of the Light, each and every one of you. You came here to experience being in a human existence and there are no limits to what you can do or be. It is your choice to take advantage of everything and all that is right there for you. Open your eyes, open you ears and open your heart with no resistance and let the Universe bring you Heaven on Earth!

The holidays are upon you. The Holy days are here. December has much to offer. Not only do you have your holiday observances but it is the end of another year and the best time to tie up old belongings – in the physical as well as within that precious being that is you.

Some experience nostalgia or feelings of love for the holiday no matter what they observe. Others feel sadness for many reasons including with thoughts of loved ones who have passed. Yet others are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that it wears them down and they don’t have time to feel anything but exhaustion. 

We invite you to give yourself a gift this year of pausing, slowing down (yes it is possible if you will do it for there is always a way) and let emotions, reflections, ‘Ah ha” moments, and more. Instead of worrying about the right gifts to buy, how about taking some time to look around at the gifts Mother Nature is offering to you. 

So no matter what you are feeling, experiencing and doing this last month of the year, know that there is a powerful benevolent energy that surrounds you and those you love at all times. 

Many will feel this who are in tune with the energy. Others may feel something but not sure what and many will feel nothing at all.

But be assured that it is there. Because of the way everything is changing and you and your Earth will never be the same which is by the way glorious, the energy of this love and support will be in a magnitude that has never occurred before upon your planet.

So embrace it all with open arms. Let this Light infuse you with power, love and the knowing that All is well. For it is. This we promise to you.

Whatever you choose: to relax and enjoy or let feelings and emotions come to surface or get into the busyness of the season, it will be perfect for you. Let those beautiful and magnificent hearts guide you to just the right place, event or quiet space. What you do is not as important as that you do something – even if it is to sit quietly and meditate. 

Do and be what resonates with you so that you have the ability to be as open as you can be to receive. Receive the gifts of Light that you have earned. Receive this Light so you may use it as you spread it wherever you go. 

So keep those Lights twinkling. This is the time of year when strings of colorful lights are decorating homes, trees and streets and business. They are very nice and festive. But your Lights are never out of season, never in need of being taken down after the holiday is over. For your Lights Beloveds are eternal and so bright. Let us see each of you as a string of beautiful white lights that bring joy and love to all who see them and that continue to shine and twinkle brighter and stronger. Twinkle, twinkle big stars – we don’t wonder at all what you are. Star Light Star Bright, You are All the Stars we see every night!

With a twinkle in our eye and a smile upon our face we thank you.

In Joy and Laughter,
AA Raphael©

~A Message From Archangel Raphael               November 2022


Welcome and Greetings Dear Friends. I am Archangel Raphael.

So many of you have been and are encountering physical as well as emotional and even mental challenges at this time. We know this and understand completely. And yes for many this has been on-going for quite some time. And you are saying that you are done with it all! We hear you!

You are in a time of change of which most of you are aware. And you are not alone for many are experiencing their own issues. We know this does not help your own personal challenges but if it can ease it a bit to know that others are in the same challenging times, then that is good for we want you to feel that you are never alone.

With everything changing and we mean this literally as everything is in a process of change, unrest and concern comes into play. Your world as you know it is undergoing, and has been, change that will completely be filled with new and wonderful, amazing things while all the old and not wonderful things, those abusive, controlling and divisive ways are being dismantled and sent packing with a one way ticket.

We in the Higher Realms continue to give messages of encouragement to you Beloved friends for we do not want you think you have to endure anything alone. How you move through what seem like 'tough times' will have a great deal of impact on how hard it is for you.

What we say is that if you can hang on all will be okay. We liken it to riding the waves as a surfer. If you can hold on and go with the waves instead of fighting them, the ride will be more enjoyable. Yes that may seem like 'easier said than done' but it is true dear ones. And you can do it. You have the power to overcome all obstacles. It only takes loving and believing in yourself.

We know many of you have seen losses in perhaps several areas of your lives. And we know it is hard to understand but if you can look at it as clearing out the old to make room for the new, perhaps you can have a new perspective and with a different view you can see that all is not falling apart and is hopeless.

On the contrary, it is opening up new opportunities for you. Sometimes releasing material things is necessary for change to come. Instead of fearing change and resisting it, we invite you to look at the whole picture and with a new eye.

We understand when you have something in your life that seems to stop you from moving on no matter what direction you turn; that life seems to be full of only hard knocks and winless situations; that once you begin something it seems like you have opened that proverbial can of worms and nothing seems to go right, it can be draining and taxing and very upsetting. We do understand this, most Beloved Ones.

We assure you that we are here doing what we can to help ease as much as we can. Yet we can only do so much for it is only you who can bring yourself through it and you can do it.

As difficult as it may seem in the moment, if you can pull yourself up by those old bootstraps and hold your head high no matter what is occurring around you, all will turn out in a good way.

We know this is a hard concept for some of you to grasp or even want to hear for that matter. That is, that no matter what you experience in your life, it is of your own creation.

You are here to experience and you create those experiences. No one can do that for you. You are in charge. You are the creator of your life and what occurs in it.

When something that you do not like comes into your life, perhaps it would be wise to step back and attempt to see what the underlying factors are. There is always something at the root of everything. Getting to that root is what is needed to be able to change and heal it.

Fears and old beliefs are often what the stem or the root of the situation is.

You are here to experience life and you create the experiences within it. And whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating everything! It does not matter what you have experienced, you have created it. All you create is of value and there are no mistakes.

So instead of saying that someone or something has done this or that to you and that you are a victim of circumstances, try owning the responsibility of your creations.

If you enjoy drama then continue to bring drama into your world. On the other hand if you prefer joy and fun then do what you can to bring that to you and into your life. It is as basic as that. Create what you want. Create your life as you wish it to be.

You have full control or rein and if you are not pleased with what you have then you can create something new and a different experience. Don’t believe those old untruths that you have been told that it is impossible and that you are not to have a full, joyful and easy life.

Think of it as using those plastic and colorful building bricks and blocks, those fun building pieces that children like so much. You have a very large amount of different shaped pieces that are also in many different colors.

You begin to build, to create, something with a vision. As you go along you decide it just is not what you want so you remove some of the pieces or even all of them and begin to rebuild. Children understand this and only focus on building what feels right to them in that moment. Nothing else matters. If it doesn’t work they just create something new.

You can rebuild any experience or creation you have made for you are the only one who owns the pieces and it is your call as to how you will erect your creation. The whole set of building blocks is yours and only yours.

Now how does this tie into the subject of healing you may ask?

Beloveds, each time your rebuild or recreate you are healing something. On the surface it may not appear that way.

Yet think about it. When you have a cut on your finger you tend to it so that it can heal and what does that entail? The tissue is rebuilding is it not?

Healing is not only a physical thing, it is getting to the bottom or the root and applying the right remedy to bring healing in all areas. Healing of emotions, fears, old beliefs that no longer serve you will bring healing to the physical vessel. And we are here to assist you with this if you wish and you ask. And you can heal anything in that sacred vessel. It is designed that way.

Know that the future is very bright, beautiful and how you wish it to be in your precious heart. Trust this knowing and you can move forward through any storm that comes.

Laughter is healing. Smiling is healing. Holding love in your heart and thus in your words and actions is healing. This is where to begin. Your outlook on your life, of the world around you and how you move through it is where the healing really begins to come.

Let yourself have some fun, don’t be so serious all the time and enjoy life more beloveds. It really is all about having fun and being in joy. A mere change in attitude is like a chemical free medicine that you will benefit from in all ways.

Seek joy. Be joy and live in joy. In-joy your life and let go of the past and the old. It is time to bring in the new and a new life filled with joyful laughter. It is healing to be reduced to giggles. It is healing to laugh with others and not worry so much. Relax and let go. Let us see that beautiful smile that is hiding under the serious face. It is very becoming you know.

In Joy and Laughter,
AA Raphael ©

~A Message from Archangel Raphael~                              July 2022                               

Most Beloved Ones,

You are again half way into another year under your belt, another notch on your grow chart and a whole lot of wisdom that you have uncovered.

If you do not consider that you have accomplished a great deal so far in your year 2022, we urge you to sit down and think about all that you have done, created, cleared, the insights and ‘ah ha’ moments, the creations that you have brought forth, and then you can see how much you have done.

It is the middle of the year, and you should be celebrating you and be ready to welcome the the next half of the year with open arms. You truly are incredible and magnificent and it is time to acknowledge that!

Healing is like one of your buzz words nowadays. Most everyone is healing this and that, clearing this and that, and seeking to find peace, health and joy in their lives.

So bringing you messages of healing is what we like most to do for it is our desire in assisting you in finding the healing you have within you to heal everything.

What actually is healing? What comes to your mind with that word? Do you think of healing a wound? Do you think of it as healing an aching heart?

Those are part of it but there is so much more, so much more to it.

Dearest Ones, healing is to be made whole and sound, to release anything that is within the belief system that is the cause of whatever it is one wishes to be healed.

Each and every one of you has the power to heal right there inside you. It is within you at all times.
You can heal your physical body. You can heal your emotional body, your mental body and yes, your spiritual body.

It most likely won’t happen overnight (yes we know you always want instant gratification with your wishes and desires) but it will happen if you put your mind to it. Actually putting your mind to it is a term in your humanness that can be the root of all your problems.

Your mind is a beautiful thing when used as it is supposed to be used. It is when it is allowed to take control and be your guide. The value of the mind lies in your ability to learn to create with it.

Your heart is your guide. That is where your truth, your true essence of your being is to be found.

Finding the balance so as to let your heart guide you and then using your mental body to create what you have been guided to do is what it is all about Beloveds.

In your dictionaries you will find various definitions of healing. Most will give you to become or make something healthy, whole or sound; In Raphael’s dictionary it is more than that. Yes, it is to become healthy. But dear friends you are already whole.

Each one of you was created in perfection, wholeness and so there would be nothing that needed to be changed. Ah, but here is where it can get tricky.

So you say, “If I am perfect and everything is so wonderful, why am I feeling sad or despair? Why am I without a job or my relationship is coming to an end?” Some of you may be asking why you have lost your homes if it is all perfect. Or why are you experiencing health issues?

Our answer to you Dearest Ones, that yes, you were created in that wholeness but when you incarnate into a human lifetime, there are so many things that will come along in your path.

You are the master of your Universe. You are the creator of everything that comes into your life. We in the Angelic realms liken it to a play or a story. You are the author of your book or play. You are the actor and it is a one person play. You get to wear many hats as you are the director, the producer, the stage manager, the screenwriter or publisher and every line is your own. Now in the physical if you think of it as just that it sounds quite ‘good’ to create your own work.

But as it always goes, things begin to occur that you had not counted on. Lines are read wrong. Miscues always come into being.

So when you think of your life as this play or story that you are in and that it is all your own creation, what is it you want to do to correct those miscues?

Think about it. If you have a problem with your vehicle, you take it to a mechanic and he fixes the problem.
You are the mechanic who must fix those miscues in your story. And you can. You can correct each and everything that is not working for you. It is your story. Yes there are other players at times in the story but they only have bit parts and are in the background. You are the one and the only player who matters as what you act out is what it will be. No one can rewrite you story. Only you can do that. And you can at any time.

So you make a choice to go in one direction. Let us use a job change for an example. You decide that your current job is not the one you want so you seek another. You find several that you are interested in pursuing.
The first one really fits and is what your heart is telling you that you want to do. But the other one offers more compensation even though it really doesn’t make your heart skip a beat with excitement like the first one.
So what do you do? Remember, this is your play to act out. If you take the second one and earn more income but are not happy, is it worth it?

If you take the first one and find yourself where you are excited to go to work each day, you produce more and are never bored but the income is lower, is it worth it?

Now if you make the choice to go for the income and then find you are not happy, you can change the story and go after one that is like the first job.

You cannot make a mistake. You are in a Free Choice Universe and whatever you choose will be the right choice.

Often when the mind is doing the guiding, thoughts can come in that there is imperfection and this comes from the teaching of separation. That is: that the Creator, or Source is separate and judgment is there. Human minds are what judge, not the Creator. You are an extension and One with God, Source, the Universe, Creator, or however you wish to call the one source of all creation.

So when the mind is guiding you it is hard to see the whole picture and see that this is so. The mind loves logical explanations.

You cannot make a mistake. Every choice you make is the best one at that moment. Fear of making a mistake is what holds you back and blocks so much that you could have and achieve. All that you experience will bring you growth and wisdom.

Do we have you confused now?

You see, you are here to learn valuable lessons in your soul’s growth. Each lesson is very unique and many are hard which is how you chose it. The harder it may be the more value there is in the lesson.
So how do you make it through all these lessons?

Beloveds, you do it with trust and faith that the outcome will be perfect and all will be okay. And you can.
Each of you is very powerful and has all that you need right inside you.

Okay, we know you are asking how we got from healing to creating a play and making choices.

Dear friends, when you learn what it is you need to learn in a situation then you are healing.

Do not worry that you can’t do this. You can and you are doing it. When you let go of the fears of making wrong choices, of making changes and moving forward, you are creating the opening that will allow it all to come to you.

We do not want you to get too entangled in trying to figure this all out. You are doing fine and all will work out perfectly if you hold trust that it will, allow yourself to move along in the flow of the Universe, which by the way moves along quite nicely, and listen to the guidance that comes from within you.

Your body is a sacred vessel and because it is, it is very important to take care of it. Your body is a beautiful and incredible work of art. Think about what you put into it, what you do to it and how you treat it. It is your home, your house and needs to be treated as such. Take pride in your body. Exercise, proper eating habits and seeing it as a beautiful home is how you should begin to attend to it. Many of you are already doing a splendid job in this and we applaud you for that.

So we would like to conclude with expressing to you that healing comes from within. Everything can be healed and you can do that healing. Yes, there are many in the Spiritual realms that will help you and guide you with this and your Creator wants you to be healthy in all ways. Feel good about who you are and what you do. Feel love for who you are. Your happiness is in your hands. Write your story just as you want it to be and then act out the part in fullness.

And the beginning of it all is to find peace by loving yourself no matter what you perceive that you have done, not done, should do or not do. Love yourself. Do not judge yourself for anything, forgive yourself for what you think is a wrong, care for your precious self and be in the joy and happiness state that you are meant to be in.

Look at you in a mirror that is not one that you see in your bathroom or bedroom. Look at yourself in the Universal mirror that reflects the real you. You are Divine. You are incredible. You are more than you know. Say I AM THAT I AM and believe it!

Blessing in Love, Light and Peace,

AA Raphael 

June 2022


Most Beloved Ones,


It is time. It is time to put into action all that you have been working so diligently towards in your service of humanity by being a bearer of the Divine Light that is within you. It is time to do the final releasing of that which you need to let go and cleanse yourselves of what you have brought forth into this lifetime as well as created in this one.


We are speaking of all that is intensifying in each moment in the ascension of all humankind. Yes, you read that right. All, each and every one will ascend. Many are still resisting it and have not yet awakened, but they too shall do so when it is the perfect timing. And to be clear, there will be those who choose to leave the Earth plane and return to experience their ascension. And that is honored and blessed as all that each individual chooses is beautiful and perfect.


If you are reading our words, then you are here in partnership in an exclusive club, the Club of Light Bearers. Pardon our humor for we are very stern about fun and play mixed in with what you call work. Yet dear ones, you are in an exclusive group and we do not take it lightly. (Ah yes, we love puns) Not one of you is here to sit back and be lounge lizards. You have done the work, been to the schools of many lifetimes to prepare for this exciting time now upon Earth.  So now the time has come for you to reap the rewards.


If you will look beyond what is around you in your world and see the entirety of the big picture, you can then see that things are not always as they appear. We often use metaphors for it can be easier for you Beloved Ones, to understand what we are attempting to convey to you.


Let us use ships and sailing to show you how incredible the immenseness of what you are doing.

Use your imagination, see the vast ocean, and see that there are ships on the horizon beloved friends. These are not ships as you know them. They are moving towards you. The ships represent the Light filled energy that is becoming stronger and stronger. The ships are increasing in number and are coming closer in each moment. There are so many ships of Light that you could never begin to count them. You have the support and backing of an armada of Angels, Masters, Loving Beings from far away across galaxies and universes as well as Source energy that is leading the way.


We in the Light realms can only do so much. And this is where your part, our dear friends, comes in to play. This is why you are here.


We needed you at the inception of this plan and need you now, our Ambassadors of Light, to ease it all into place and be those beacons of the Light that you are. You are not here by chance. You are an intricate part of an immense plan; a plan that was actually designed as an experiment to see if humankind could shift out of the old and into the new. It is a big task; there is no doubt about it.


And you are doing it! The work you have done is paying off in more ways than we could have hoped it would. You are so very powerful and are doing more than was asked of you. You are on the brink of the most glorious shift that has ever occurred upon your beautiful planet.


Now let us shift a bit. Each soul needs a vessel, or as we like to call your body, 'a home away from home', to reside in while doing what it intends to achieve. We ask that you begin to take very good care of your house, your home, your sacred vessel, with attention to what you put in it, what you put on it and how your treat it. Treasure it and honor it. Now it is even more important than ever before.


There is a very high amount of Light energy bathing the planet now and every single soul is receiving it. As odd as it may sound, those who are not awakened are receiving it the most in a very intense way. And trust us, it is very intense so they are feeling it is ways that are not always comfortable. 


We must explain that the physical body cannot take the energy in its full force thus there are ways that this is achieved so that it can come in and it will in the correct timing and force. There is no need to worry about this as it has all been planned, is in place and working beautifully, if we may say so. 


We bring this to your attention so that you hopefully have an understanding of why things are occurring within your physical, emotional and mental bodies. You can feel like you are on the top of your world at one moment and the next you may feel like you fell into quicksand. It is this way for everyone and each experiences it in a different way and intensity. Some call it ‘ascension symptoms’.


We will also tell you that when you agreed to come to be here at this time to do the work and to bring about this change which is like none that has ever occurred before, you were not immediately plopped down to begin. Oh no dearest friends. You were in a very highly intense training program that gave you what you needed to do your work. You were, shall we say, armed with the power of the Light in a very grand way. You all graduated with honors, we might add.


As you move forward on your paths you will find yourselves listening more to your heart centers, your Higher Selves and acting upon the guidance you receive. Your doubts will become less and your confidence will build in the knowingness of what you are to do and who you are: a powerful being of the Light who is not just that physical form.


Of course your soul knows exactly what it is you have set about to do and it will do what is needed to accomplish that. If it is healing of past life issues and beliefs that you brought in your suitcases, then it will make sure you have it in your awareness so that you can heal it and let it go. It is time to empty the contents of your suitcases and repack them. You don't need all that extra 'stuff' that you brought with you. This is why you are clearing, healing, releasing and letting go of all that does not serve you any longer. You came with a very heavy load, and gradually you are tossing out what you no longer need.


You are all doing such splendid jobs and are appreciated beyond words by those of us who watch and interact with you in the Higher Realms. We are all One and we are working with you as one.


Remember this Oneness and that you are never alone.


As you are moving away from the collective consciousness of humanity as it is and has been, and into group consciousness, you are bringing in more Light and expanding the great love you already have within you.


Now Beloved Ones, it is time to step up the pace and into your beautiful power and do what you want to do. Let all those fears, judgments and thoughts of being separate dissipate so that you can step fully into your true selves. Embrace the incredibleness of who you are. You are master creators and you came here and now knowing that you could do what was being asked of you. It is time to release all doubt of who you are, what you can do and be. Your soul knows who you are and what you are to do. Let it guide you and in so doing you can light the way for others to follow.


We love you dearly, appreciate you immensely and are here for you at every moment.


In love and gratitude,

Archangel Raphael 

November 2021

~A Message from Archangel Raphael~ 

Greetings Beloved Friends,

Humanity as viewed from the physical realms appears to be in a complete mess. There is so much going on and so many floundering around in the mucky muck of life that many of you feel it is completely hopeless for any form of salvation.

You hear and see continuous tales of destruction, terror, horrible acts of some against others and on and on. You wring your hands in angst and ask if there is any hope or is all completely lost? Are those who are supposed to be your governing bodies filled with those who seem to have gone simply mad?

“There is turmoil everywhere.” “The world is doomed.”  “We are doomed.” “There is no hope for humanity.” “We are lost.” Those messages blast out into the awareness of those who will listen. And do the same ones who tell you this promise that they will save you if you will only follow their narrative?

What do you do, Beloved Ones? Do you join in the fear and judgmental opinions of who is doing what to whom, and how bad it is, or do you send love out to the world and every single being who resides upon this planet with the intention that it is better than it appears and will be better in time?

Each of you wants peace, love and compassion to be the way of life for everyone. This is because you are loving beings. Every single person who walks upon the Earth plane is a loving being. You ask how we can say this when people are killing each other, killing and treating people and animals in inhumane ways, devastating the earth and creating mayhem in every direction.

Again, this is what you are being told. Yes in the human consciousness this is a reality. But each of you can and must learn to shift away from that mass thinking and believing, to a completely 360 degree turn so that you see and know that there is beauty and love everywhere.

You are here Dearest Ones, to be the actual momentum of that shift in consciousness. And you can and are getting it done.

You cannot turn a deaf ear to all that is around you. But you can send love from your heart out to all that is what you perceive to be wrong in your world. We urge you to not see anything as ‘wrong’ but instead of there always being Light within everything, everywhere.

The collective consciousness responds to each and every thought and action that is given to it. Each and every thought! All thought is sent out like a radio wave into that consciousness and gathers with all other thoughts.

Do you understand what we are attempting to convey here, Beloveds? If you choose to think thoughts of doom and gloom then those thoughts join all other thoughts that are similar and can become one big powerhouse of that doom and gloom.

But if you instead choose to think thoughts of love, seeing each person doing the best he or she can in each moment, intending for peace to prevail, then those are the thoughts that join all other thoughts that are of the same form, and the consciousness of the world softens and hearts begin to open.

See how powerful you are and how powerful your thoughts are dear ones? You are not merely a 'mortal human' as has been said for so long. Not in any way is that you. You are powerful beings of Divine Light who are here to help shift that human, collective consciousness from the old ways and into the new, loving, peaceful paradigm.

Right now the chaos that seems to be the way of the day, is occurring for a reason. Things have to be, shall we say, stirred up so that nothing is left at the bottom of the pot. Within the contents of that pot, which is again the human collective consciousness, is a delicious variety of qualities that when completely done cooking, will result in the best stew you can imagine, or perhaps not imagine. The contents began with haphazard ingredients tossed in with no thought of how it would work with the other contents. But as the stew simmers and you tend to it with loving care, it becomes the best stew ever created. The results are far beyond what you can imagine or conceive. Loving something will always make it change in the most positive way.

Out of that chaotic rubble, new seedlings will burst forth and become beautiful blossoms.

It is a new age and the best one that has ever been experienced. The momentum has taken on the form of an unstoppable river that will flood the Earth with Light and wash away all that does not adhere to the new way. There is no going back. You are moving into the new Earth as New Humans (and don’t frown over that for it is a glorious thing) and you can applaud yourself for what you have done to contribute to it, that is if you have held love in your heart and not gone down the path of denial and fear.

Can you begin to think in a new way? Can you see beauty in any landscape no matter how barren and desolate it may appear? Can you see flowers blooming where others may see only weeds? Is that dandelion beautiful or is it only a weed? Can you find compassion for others no matter who they are and what they may be doing?

Beloved friends, it is time to shift to this new way of thinking and seeing. Each of you has your own unique way of doing this. And each way is perfect. It is the doing that is important, not how it is done as long as it is truly heartfelt and non-judgmental.

The uniqueness of you is such a glorious thing. Each of you is unique and when all you unique loving beings come together with thoughts of peace and unity with love as the base, things have to change. And they will. Focus not on what the perception is of society but on what the Divine purpose of everything may be. You do not have to know exactly what that might be, you only have to know it is coming from the Highest Power and that it is all perfectly orchestrated to come as it should.

Do you see yourself as not being potato chips from a can that are all made in complete likeness? We said that you are not out of a can that contains a stack of sameness. We stated that would be quite boring. You are not a chip off the old block in the way that you are the same. You are an awesome, unique and completely different chip. Can you and will you own that?

Just because many are opting at this time to be in a fear-based world where hatred and separation run rampant, does not mean you have to do the same. Even putting your focus upon it and judging it, gives energy to it.


But have you observed (and yes we encourage you to be an observer and watch instead of diving into what is not yours) how things have gotten so absurd and utterly whacky that people are beginning to see that what was once thought of as being what should be looked up to and followed, is not the way it is now?

Become and reveal the true Divine Light and loving being that is who you really are. Speak, walk, act and be that wayshower and Light Bearer that you are. Be and inspire. Step out of the old shoes of the old ways and beliefs and put on a new, sparkly pair of shiny and comfortable shoes. The old pair has not fit well for a very long time. Do you not think you deserve a new pair that reflects you and who you really are? Toss the old, ill-fitting shoes aside and wear your new shoes with pride and joy.

Times are a-changing Dearest and Beloved Ones, and you are important in being like ushers in a theatre with your flashlights on to show patrons to the seats. You are needed and your Light is needed. Just like the usher is needed in the theatre, you are needed in the world right now.

Turn on your lights and don't hide them any longer. Shift all your thoughts, words and actions to those of how you truly wish your world to be. Set aside anything that does not fit into that vision and do not allow it to interfere with what you know to be true in your heart. Send love to everyone, especially those who seem to have lost the way and are seemingly perpetuating what you would call darkness.

In Service to All,
Archangel Raphael ©

October 2021                              

Beloveds and Awesome Ones,

Let us speak of changes. Do you think too many are speaking on this topic recently? Change. Change. Change. That is the word for the day, for the days to come. Change. Change is always occurring and the change that is upon you, upon the entire planet is not like any change that has ever been before. And you Beloved Ones are the creators of this change. Let that sink in and feel the enormity and truth of it. 

You are in a most precedent time. The glory of what you came to anchor in, the work you have strived to do, the new world and the new human are upon you.

Yes there is still work to do, but you have brought about something that has never occurred before anywhere or at any time. So Dear Ones hold your heads up in pride and joy. You came to be here for this new change of what your Earth and humanity is becoming.

Would it surprise you if we tell you that not only are we watching but all galaxies everywhere are watching as well to see what is going to happen? You are famous! Not just world renowned; you are Galaxy and Universal renowned.

Does that give you a clue as to who you are? Does that give you any clue as to the importance of your being here now and of your Divine magnificence?

You are all feeling the enormous change that is occurring upon your planet. And with it is coming changes in your own personal lives as well as those around you. These changes are coming at a rate of speed that has never been before.

Do not become discouraged with the bombardment that media and the powers that be are flinging upon you. Just stay in your beautiful heart space and remain in a calm and loving place. Do not give energy to the illusion that is being presented.

Watch your words and thoughts very carefully Beloved Ones, for they are going to show up in form in a very fast way.

All is moving so fast that things will change in what seems like the blink of an eye. So put on your manifesting hats and your new matching shoes. It is time to change your outfits.

Sit back, be observers and allow the Divine change to arrive at your doorstep. You have worked quite hard to bring about change in the human consciousness, in your world, and in humanity itself. You are doing it. Be proud of that.

We know at times it seems like your world may be falling apart and we do understand why you think and feel this. We ask you to hold on, without having white knuckles of course for that is not necessary, and just let it flow to you. A soft grasp is all that is needed if you allow and receive.

Watch and observe. Do not participate in the illusions of fear and chaos. Your media is so busy trying to keep up with the changes that they are getting dizzy and contradictory at times. Have you noticed (if you indulge that media) how absurd what they spew out is actually often comical? Of course we definitely find that amusing. We see it like a giant anthill with numerous ants hustling up and bustling down the trails in their hill. They scurry here and they scurry there and are so busy trying to get to the common goal as the first one that they take no prisoners as they go. But you are not ants and you will not take or be prisoners. Do not allow anyone to take away your freedoms.

What this is doing is giving those who will listen the awareness of what they do not want for your planet and of what does not resonate in the heart. It shows you what the positive way to see it all is. Things always get very chaotic before the calm can come in. If you feel you are in the middle of a very big storm, then make the intention to be the 'eye' in that storm or in other words, the observer and not be a participant in the drama.

And Beloveds, with your personal selves it is very different of course. We are very close by and are assisting you as you move into newness, into unchartered territories that can sometimes be a bit frightening. You all know deep within that without change and stretching beyond that ole comfort zone, you cannot grow and move ahead. You know this but when it comes to actually doing it, it can become very hard to do. We also know this.

Can you actively be a 'love machine' instead of a 'go-along with the masses robot'? Those are two very different roles and you cannot be both. You get to choose which one is for you. Always be peaceful and kind with only love as your Light.

We are here to give you encouragement in taking those steps, to protect you from harm and to comfort you if you trip once in a while. And yes, of course tripping does happen. But there is nothing wrong with that and we do not want to see you feeling unhappy with yourselves when it does occur. Be open to see things in a different way than what you have always believed. Nothing is written in stone. 

Like the toddler who is just learning to walk and plops to the ground on their little bottom end then gets right back up and goes again, you can do the same. That little child, when once back up, goes forward and the tripping is forgotten. It is in the past.

Please forget the trips you make as they are also in the past. They are only little inconveniences, nothing more.

This is what we want for you Dearest Ones. You will trip, that is part of your experience in your human incarnation. But when you see it as just a little annoyance that happened and then let it go and forget it instead of dwelling on it; you are taking huge steps toward the enlightenment you all seek. You did nothing wrong when you stumbled. You will do nothing wrong when you do, and yes, you will, stumble again. See it as a learning experience instead of a mistake.

And remember that you do not have to be alone as you pick yourselves up when you do trip. We are right there to bring you to your feet, give you a hug and then let you go on your way. I guess you can think of us like loving grandparents!

Change is necessary. Change is essential in the evolution of your planet and humankind. It is a must and it does and will happen. So if you embrace it with joy and excitement instead of being disgruntled and trying to avoid it, your lives will be so much more as you want them to be.

Allow all the goodness and happiness that you deserve to be yours. We will never let you be without. Allow us to bring to you what it is that you want. Your needs are provided for at all times. Make sure you don’t keep it away with thoughts that it cannot be.

The world is okay, you are okay and joy is at your fingertips when you decide to take it for yours. We promise this to you if you will be sovereign and true to yourself.

Embrace change and let it take you to new avenues of inspiration and greatness. You deserve it Beloveds. Are you willing to grant this gift to yourself?

Cheering You On With Love,
Archangel Raphael 


August 2020


Greetings Beloveds,


So how are you all doing? What are you feeling at this time? Are you feeling different than you did, say a year ago, a month ago, or a day ago? Times are changing, energy is changing and you are changing. Everyone is in a process, whether they realize it or not, of healing. This goes for each and every human. It is also the same with all the creatures who reside upon the planet. And it is with Mother Earth herself.


The world as you have known it is waking up. More and more are beginning to realize that it has been so long, way too long, that the energies of negativity and unhealthiness have been within your existence. It has become a way of life so to speak. Humans have become passive to this energy and have allowed it to be, so that the belief that it is supposed to be this way has become a way of life. But Beloved Ones, it is not so. You are not meant to be in this negative energy. You are not meant to be in fear, in greed, control over others or from others, in competitiveness or separation. This is why the changes that are occurring at a very swift rate now are here.


No longer can any of this be tolerated. It is imperative for the survival of your Mother Earth and for all species who reside upon her. The old must leave and be replaced with new energy - energy of love, of community, of oneness and of compassion. And that is what is happening right now.


Light is coming in and bathing the Earth as you read our words. Divine and radiant Light is pouring in right now. Some are still not consciously aware of it as of yet. This is why there are so many Lightworkers or Light Bearers showing up round the clock to help with the Light they carry like a torch to show the way. Every being on this planet deserves to be in this Light. Every being has this Light as their own. It is within. You are the Light. You are Divine Light.


Now is the time, without delay, for you each to go within and find your own Light and see how radiant it is. It takes a collective effort for it all to become a reality. But it must begin with each one, each of you to let go of fears of change and newness and embrace it with love. Go within, find your inner wisdom, and listen to your heart and the guidance that you have right there inside you. Trust yourselves and trust your guidance and allow your Light to shine. Every single one of you has that  Light, has the ability to make a difference right now. You have been given the gift of what is called by many terms: Stay at Home, Quarantine, Home Confinement and more. Whatever you wish to call it – it is a gift.


It had to be this way. All of humanity had to participate. Do you see why? What we mentioned above: the separation, the polarity of the people has become like a huge fissure in the Earth. Everyone had to be forced to come to be in the same place as one. It is beautiful if you look at it this way. The people become united as one.


What has unfolded is what you came to experience. Yes it is not over and will be a while before the end result is seen, but trust us that it is so beautiful.


Each one had been given the opportunity to be with themselves, to go within, to become acquainted with themselves and to find out who they are. As each one begins to awaken, and yes so many are doing just that every day, the realization of unity, love, compassion and peace is coming forth.


You are not being asked to fix anything. You are not being asked to save the world. No you are only being asked to find you Divinity, find the Light within and let everyone else do the same in the way they choose. Remember who you are.


You are aware that there is much negativity floating around in the news media, in social media venues, and it can seem everywhere you turn someone is saying this or that about someone else or something. It can feel like you are being bombarded and it doesn’t stop. And what do you believe? What is true? What is what is called “False News”?


We invite you to not participate in it. Don’t get caught up in the waves of negativity for all of it is driven by fear. We ask you to consider using that saying that humans have had for a very long time, “If you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything.”  When you point fingers, spread information that may or may not be real, you are hampering the progress of this profound movement of the New Earth, the New Human and the New Golden Age.


Of course we will never tell you what to do or not do. We only suggest that you take a moment to reflect before you react and look at what is behind it. Is it love or is it fear and hatred? It is better to be silent than to speak in an unloving manner.


There is so much out there that how do you ever know what to believe? You can’t know. You could spend hours researching and most likely would never find what the truth might be. That is because it can’t be found. You live in a world of polarity. You have opposites so there will always be opposite opinions, opposite so-called facts, opposite beliefs. You cannot change another’s beliefs and opinions and it is not your job to do that. Think about it, if everyone just focused on their own well-being without being attached to what others are doing, and worked solely upon what needs to be ‘healed’ with themselves, do you not see that the healing of the planet and all who live upon it would occur? Let go of the ‘he said, she said’ syndrome and listen to your heart.


The human mind wants to know everything and can become what you call having the head in the

clouds. Then those clouds become thunderstorms with so much what is considered information that one cannot think properly. We know we are using the so-called play on words, but the goal is to help you understand that it is imperative for everyone to stop, pause, let go of all that stuff that is filling the mind with overwhelming chatter and to just be still, be quiet and let it go. You deserve to have peace of mind. But you are the one who has to give it to yourself. Let go of the belief that you and everyone else are victims of others, of groups or unseen forces. That is not your job to fix it.


All that is occurring is under control. All is happening just as it is supposed to but again we say; if you let yourself get caught up in the flurry of fear driven consciousness, you are not benefiting yourself or anyone else.


Your job is to take care of you. Trust that there are many in the Higher Realms that have everything under control. Take advantage of this gift that you have been given. You are here at this never before moment of existence upon the Earth. You came to be here as a part of something that you have worked towards for eons and many lifetimes.


You are here to help usher in the Light, to anchor it here and to help as a ground crew, as facilitators of the Divine. Be that, do that and let the rest come to be in Divine timing. So much has already occurred. So much Light had penetrated the Earth and bathed her and all of her ‘residents’ with love that you could not even begin to imagine.


We are known as the Archangel of healing. Yes that is so. But do not think that this is just healing in a physical way. Yes, that does occur, but healing yourself within is where it must start. Begin to love yourself and understand that you are love, you are loved and that there is nothing that can harm you. Whatever you feel is in your way of being who you are, what you desire, is all there because you have put it there with fear. Bring up those emotions and let them come to the surface for that is where they will heal. You cannot heal your physical body unless you heal your inner self first. Let those fears and deep wounds come up to be healed. If they are allowed to remain where they are they will fester and fester and can become an ill-ness or dis-ease.


When humanity comes to understand how important it is to heal as individuals then all can be healed collectively. Once each one heals themselves then they are able to become a healer for others. One day all will be healed, there will be no illness or sickness and everyone will be in vibrant health in the place of love. This is how it is meant to be. This is how it once was. Now is the time for it to come back and it will. This is what you know is how it is to be. This is what you desire.


And there are so many beings in the Spiritual realms that will assist you with all of this healing. You do not have to do it alone. You are surrounded by a very loving team of Angels, Masters and guides who cannot do anything unless you call upon them and ask. We are here, we are right here for you. Our wish is for each of you to be healed in all ways, to be in joy and peace. We will guide you and teach you what you need at any given moment. Be you. Find your joy and see the beauty of life and all that is offered to you in each moment. You deserve joy. You deserve peace and happiness. You are the one who can make it happen.


We respectively send blessings to each of you.


In Joy and Laughter,

Archangel Raphael©


October 2019


Greetings Beloveds,


We are very appreciative that you take time from life, from your busy, busy life, to read our words today. It is very important for us to keep communication open and on-going with each of you. This is why we have this place, this 'arena', as a means to bring our messages to you.


The shifting that is going on around the planet is for a reason. There has been change and shifting occurring for quite some time. Now you are in a place where it is very different from anything that has ever been experienced upon this planet. Some of you are feeling it quite a bit and others are not feeling it as much. No one is not feeling it. Those who are awakened enough to understand the process are able to go with the movement like a tide coming in and out, while those who are unaware are having more difficulty adjusting. The more one understands the easier it can be. If you are aware you have your eyes open and see the light in the dark sky. If you are unaware it can be like being caught in a bad dream that is all darkness and possibly fearful.


Whichever the case may be for you is what is right for you. Each and everyone has a very important role to play in helping this shifting move along smoothly. We ask that you trust yourselves as well as trusting us and having faith that everything is as it should be and everything will be for the better good of all.


It is very hard to understand this if you do not let yourselves be in that place of trust. We ask each of the readers of this message to go within yourselves and become aware of your true being and who you are. You are all on a beautiful path of light and love. Those who are seeing that path in lack and in fear are experiencing those very things. You can change that if you so wish. But it is yours to change and yours only. Is it not better and easier to walk in light rather than total darkness? You have that choice.


Healing is occurring at all corners of the planet. Yes, you say, but I see wars and death and destruction in so many places. You hear of people dying and of turmoil and unrest. You hear about natural occurrences upon the Earth in all forms. You hear of governments at odds and tempers rising. But what if you were to look at the other side and see the beauty that is everywhere in children's smiles and in nature? Focus on beauty and love and the rest will become the same as well.


We have spoken often about the need for each of you to focus on yourselves and heal within. Do you not see that if each one does focus on his or herself and heal within all areas that the healing will be everywhere? It is like one light turning on at a time and when they are all on all corners of the planet are lit in one beautiful illumination. Each of you can join with each other to create this illumination of soul connection.


Yes, it will not happen overnight as there are those for whom it will take time to understand this and to light their light. But those of you who are lighting or have already lit your beautiful lights are leading the way and we applaud you for this. We thank you for, shall we say, "seeing the light" and helping others to do the same. This is why you are called Lightworkers. This is what you have come here to do. Your work has just begun and we know you will faithfully and loving help others and show others the way to be in the light as well. We are very grateful to you for what you do.


If you are one who is not in this place yet do not be disillusioned. You will be there when it is time. You can call upon those who are there and can assist you with this. There are Lightworkers and healers in all parts of the world. If you do not know any then you can hold the intention of finding one and you can be lead to the right one for you. We guarantee that if you do seek this in earnest you will find just who you need. If you let go, allow those in the unseen realms to assist you without your wanting control and having attachment as to how it should look and be, you will find what you are meant to have. Then when you do find them it is imperative that you trust them to assist you and trust yourself to receive.


We are going to give you the lyrics to what you would call an 'oldie' and that is much older than many of you who are reading this. It is time to lighten up Beloved Friends and enjoy your precious life.


"People are queer, they're always crowing, scrambling and rushing about

Why don't they stop someday, address themselves this way?

Why are we here? Where are we going? It's time that we found out

We're not here to stay; we're on a short holiday

Life is just a bowl of cherries

Don't take it serious; it's too mysterious

You work, you save, you worry so

But you can't take your dough when you go, go, go

So keep repeating it's the berries

The strongest oak must fall

The sweet things in life, to you were just loaned

So how can you lose what you've never owned?

Life is just a bowl of cherries

So live and laugh at it all

Life is just a bowl of cherries

Don't take it serious; it's too mysterious

Life is just a bowl of . .  aw, nuts!

So live and laugh at it all!" (Written by Lew Brown & Ray Henderson)


Enjoy life. Have all the bowls of cherries (or peaches, plums, raspberries or blueberries) that you want. Don't take life so seriously. Everything will be okay if you allow it to flow as it should. Have your ice creams sundae if you want with your cherries on top and unlimited sprinkles to boot! "So live and laugh at it all." We want to you be happy. That is your birthright. You are the one who has to claim it.


You are loved, treasured, watched over and supported in every moment. So there is nothing to worry about. Enjoy life.

In-Joy Life!


Blessings of Joy and Laughter,

Archangel Raphael ©


March 2019


Beloved Friends,


It delights us no end to come here and speak with you. Each time we do, it does bring great pleasure, for those who read the words upon this page are those who are ready to hear the messages that come within them.


We are known as the Archangel of Healing and that is correct although we do have other roles. But in this message we wish to speak of healing.


Are you what is called a 'healer'? What does that term mean to you? Do you visualize someone with magic coming from their hands and creating miracles? This is true in some instances.


You see dearest ones, every one of you is a healer in some way. If you are reading this then you are a healer. You do not have to have a sign up or a business card that offers your particular gifts and modalities to others. If this is what you do and who you are then it is perfect. But if you do not practice some form of healing art, this does not mean you are not a healer.


Your body is a miraculous piece of machinery. It has all the capabilities of healing itself if allowed to do so. You ask why then do so many bodies have ill-ness, dis-ease, aches and pains and afflictions?


The answer to this is you. You and only you can create the ill-ness and dis-ease that comes into your body. It doesn't just happen and it is not that you are the one who drew the short straw so you are out of luck.


There is no judgment coming from Spirit when this does occur. Everything that you experience is of your creation and there is a reason that you have created it. Do not judge yourself for creating your experiences. Be grateful to yourself and work with the experience to find the soul-tion to bring about the healing you deserve and desire.


Healing begins at home. The home that is you. This is with inner work and connection. Your body is a sacred vessel and we liken it to your home away from home. It is important to respect it and love it. See it as a perfect and sacred temple. To do this you must find love for yourself first.


Self-love is the key to everything. All can be resolved, solved and healed with love of self. When you have complete love of yourself and who you are and that which you do, you can heal anything, at any time. Your body has the capabilities of healing everything.


Each of you has many bodies. You have your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body and your spiritual body.


When all of these bodies are in alignment then life has balance and is filled with joy and abundance along with the health and vitality that each of you desires.


Where do you begin? This is not as hard as it may seem. Letting go of harsh judgment of yourself no matter what you do or have done must come first. Forgive yourself for everything. Let it all go. And letting go is much easier to do as well. The human being holds on to so much that holds them back, prevents them from receiving and manifesting.


Those thoughts that often run rampant in your mind like a spinning top create so much havoc in your world. The thought patterns and thought waves are continuously coming at you and you can get to the point where you have no control over them. They become a way of life and you believe what your ego mind or personality is telling you is truth.


Many call it monkey chatter or monkey mind. The good news beloved ones, is that you can shut it off. With practice you can have the ability to bid it adieu and become centered.


For those who understand this they know that it does take persistence and intention and it not only is doable, it does work.


For those who have not come to that point be assured that you too can get to that place where peace and tranquility reside. The mind is very important and serves a grand role for you. But when it is allowed to be in the lead and in control things can get out of hand.


You have heard this many times: let your heart be your guide and let your mind follow. The heart, as is the body, is an amazing creation. You have your physical heart and you have your 'spiritual' heart which is your true essence and where your inner wisdom, guidance and truth are found. This heart, also known as the heart chakra, encases the physical heart. You have so much in your heart center that is working continuously. You cannot exist without either one.


So yes, follow your heart, listen to it and walk in confidence that you are going in the right direction. And of course what is the heart known for beloved ones? Yes of course it is  love. So we come back to love of self. When you love yourself all else will fall into place quite effortlessly. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Love you with your heart.


You, oh powerful ones are very capable of healing anything. You can heal emotions, fear and attitudes. You can heal old paradigms and the untruths of who you are. The things you can do are amazing and unimaginable to the human mind. You can heal every aspect of your life with love, trust, appreciation and gratitude with a joyful heart.


Your thoughts do matter. What you think is what you are putting energy into and is what you create. We ask you to monitor your thoughts in awareness and openness. If you wish for an environment that is different than what you have in the present moment, changing your thoughts to what you want and not what you don't want or don't have makes the difference dear friends.


Think of each thought as a pebble dropped into the water. It touches the water and then circles begin to move out from it in waves. This is what each of your thoughts do. They go out into the Universe and reverberate back with what you are asking, for it does not know that you are thinking one thing but actually wishing for something different. It says okay, he/she wants that so we give it to them. Those thoughts as waves go out into the consciousness of humanity and create again what you are thinking.


This is why we continuously ask you to think only good, peaceful, loving thoughts. Imagine if you will, each person upon the planet only thinking loving and kind thoughts. Imagine that, beloveds. Can you see peace, love, compassion, unity and happiness everywhere? Those loving thoughts are healing thoughts. You can heal everything if you intend it.


Remember who you are dear and beloved ones. You are a part of the Creator Source and not apart from it. You are a Divine being who is here on another round of your journey and you can be in perfect health, pure happiness and have abundance in every piece and part of your life if you choose.


Again, you are a healer and you have the capability, the ability to change and heal that which you do not want. Once you heal this you can begin to heal your physical vessel. It is all up to you. All of your guides and Angels are right here waiting for you to ask for assistance and you will receive it instantly. You can heal, manifest and in-joy your life as you should. We will not 'fix' you for you are not broken. We will work in tandem with you as you create healing miracles.


You are in charge and you have complete control of the experiences that come into your life. Each began with a thought. You are all creative forces that have no limitations or boundaries unless you put them there.


Imagine and dream, create and become, believe and trust, know with confidence that you are supported, upheld in high esteem and loved beyond what you can understand. Become a master of love and life and do it without holding back from fear of what the outcome can be. Imagination is not illusion. Illusion gives false impressions and beliefs. Time to rid yourself of illusion and in place imagine you and your world just as you wish it to be.


In Joy and Laughter,

Archangel Raphael ©

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