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 is the Angels' Way...
 Healing with Love 

Welcome to Angelic Path To Healing© where you can experience unconditional love from the Angelics. This site is powered by Angels and Angel love. If you love Angels and want to be more in touch with them, then you have come to the right place. Please explore the site and see what is offered. Linayah Kei and the Angels are here to assist you in connecting with the Angelic Realms and to find the love they have to offer. 


Everything is energy. One who is an energy healer is not actually doing the healing. Spirit (Angels, Ascended Masters, spirit guides, the Creator or Source) do the healing and it is done with the one who is receiving. An energy healer is a channel for the energy to come through them to the client.


Whether it is Reiki, Healing Touch, Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy or Distant Energy Healing, it is all the same as the energy comes through the practitioner. We act as a conduit for that energy. The client must give permission to Spirit every time to receive any form of healing. (Please note that energy healers are not medical professionals.)


I am an Angelic Distance Energy Healing Practitioner, Angelic Channel, Channel for Joan of Arc, Channel for Spirit, Spiritual Coach, Channel of Sacred Bee Energy, Voice Channeling Coach. 


I hold space for the Angels and Ascended Masters to clear your personal field of energy for you to access your Higher Self where healing can occur. As a Peaceful Transitioning Facilitator, I will assist your love one in a gentle and loving transition.

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"Grace is what picks me up
and lifts my wings high above and I fly!
Grace always conquers!
Be graceful in everything; in anger, in sadness,
in joy, in kindness, in unkindness
retain grace with you!"

~ C. JoyBell C. 

HCH Institute

 "I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things....I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind."

Leo Buscaglia

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