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Image by frank mckenna
Client Testimonials

There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in it's hands." Richard Bach

Linayah is not only an amazing spiritual practitioner, but she is also a personal friend.  Not only do I attend the amazing monthly Angel Circle (which is an adventure in itself), but I have had numerous sessions with Linayah, including a very recent session.    
I can’t say enough about her sessions.  It is like going on a magical mystical tour.  The love and insight gained in each session is priceless.  Not only did I receive confirmation of what I already knew, but I gained insight into my spiritual path with constant reminders that I am loved unconditionally, protected, and the captain of my own ship.
Each session is a reminder of our divine link with spirit.  As I look back and re-read my past sessions, I learn something new as I continue to grow and expand.  The sessions bring tears to my eyes, which for me, is confirmation of a truth that touches my soul. 
Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world, and for your compassion, love and light!  
Jennifer Jordan, Walnut Creek

"Linayah, Every day I feel so thankful for your angel messages. They each touch a beautiful new place within me and healing occurs. I honestly never realized that learning about myself could be so easy and so enjoyable. You and the angels are teaching me to love all that I am, that flaws are character enhancements that teach me, and that with all the love and support offered to me by the universe, life doesn't have to be a struggle. I wish I’d learned that lesson as a teenager! I am feeling more grounded in my body than I ever have, and happier. And I look forward to every day’s new message from the angels, and my new lesson of the day. I feel so blessed. Thank you."


"The past two years have been some of my greatest learning and challenging times. To get through them I found that one of the things that helped me was getting regular healings, and in doing so I met some amazingly gifted people and one of them is Linayah. Even though I live on the other side of the world, I feel this incredible connectedness to Linayah that is amazing. I've had two sessions with her and with each session I always feel an incredible connectedness to all that is and I feel like I found my family again. I'm filled with incredible love, acceptance and belonging, I no longer feel alone.


I also love the emails after the sessions. They are filled with incredibly beautiful, supportive, positive and accurate messages and I have found the emails a great source of comfort as I can go back and keep reading them and reaffirming my connectedness.


Since I began my sessions with Linayah, I have found that there have been incredible shifts within my core being. I feel calmer and more at peace and the most incredible gift of all has been the feelings of connectedness to the amazing Angels, Archangels, goddesses and Guardian Angels. I can feel the light inside of me and am at peace. I love the light, love and connectedness I feel with each session and urge everyone to book a session as a gift to yourself."


Silvana Melbourne, Australia

"My experience with Linayah and her sessions has been a cleansing and celebratory experience. For my first session as I laid on my bed meditating, I felt the Angels in the room (across the country!). I felt as though someone was holding my hand as each of the Angels and my guides presented themselves to me. As the Archangel Michael came in I felt myself gazing into the light of this loving being and friend. He squeezed my hand as golden light, warm and loving and glorious, filled the house I was living in at the time.


Old hurts vanished. Old loves nodded goodbye as each was forgiven for past indiscretions or harm I thought they may have caused. Later when I read the email with the information from the session, I understood that Michael had used his sword of light to cut cords that was my unforgiveness towards a past relationship, and for myself. I have recently and happily now allowed someone in.

Since that first session, my heart has opened to new levels of happiness. I love the journey and the lessons. My Angels have presented themselves to me in various guises: their signs and signals are sometimes subtle, other times are blatant.

Yesterday I received a rush of gratitude that I did not expect. It healed a hurt and allowed me to continue loving a very special person.


I love the light and laughter the sessions have brought to my life!”


I am eternally grateful,


John N Zachary

"With pure loving intentions, she opens the pathway for the Angels to come and work their magic. After several sessions, I can see and feel the healing progress as the Angels messages shift to exactly what I need as I need it. With loving coaching on how to communicate with the Angels, I'm learning and realizing the truth that they are always with me, I am loved and supported, and it feels so good! Thank you Angels, and thank you for opening this beautiful world to me."

Cindy Umholz, Colorado

"It is just only one week ago that I have had a session with Linayah and it already has changed my life. I wasn't sure what to expect in the moment. During the session and still now I feel that so many  doors have been opened and still are on the way to open.
And through these doors is coming just LOVE. Love and the confidence that all that is happening in life, if good, if 'bad' is just right and perfect and only the best for me. Thank you!"

Susan, Germany

"Linayah Kei's gifts can only be described as AMAZING and need to be shared with the world. I have had many sessions with Linayah and the positive energy I felt during and after is almost overwhelming. The healing energy and energy of pure love that the Angelic kingdom provides during and after these sessions should be experienced by all. Linayah Kei, thank you for all you do."

Matt, California

"Dear Linayah,

I can no longer remember how I found you but as I look back through your many readings in the past two years, I am grateful that I did. When my husband first crossed over, it was your reading filled with love and guidance that helped me to start healing. Every reading since then has been wonderful guidance, messages of love, and suggestions on how I could continually improve my life and connection to spirit. Thank you for always providing wonderful messages from the Angels and more recently from my friend on our mutual star planet and messages from my husband. Your messages have helped me to understand more about the Angels and how much I truly am loved by all. I also truly appreciate your personal touch that you provide with the messages and guidance."

Sent with love and appreciation,
Kathi Enright-Norton, Ohio

"A few years ago I was gifted with a session with Linayah. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. The healing and guidance she provided contributed to my ability to clear the cancer with natural methods. In a session with her in 2015, Linayah provided invaluable information that revealed a powerhouse healing energy with the Higher Realms that I channeled in ancient times. She was the messenger! Now I am
using this energy to help others create massive shifts to deeply align with their Divinity and destiny. Linayah is one of my go-to people for a session when I feel blocked (or just for the fun of it!) for insights and healing with spirit. I always come away with something that is essential to my life and my work. I don't endorse many people and I assure you that you are in great hands with her. She is the real deal."

Lorraine Cohen, One Heart Coaching,

Inner Grace/Higher Realms Healing,

Higher Light Channeling

"I have had several sessions with Linayah and each one has changed my life.  It was in one of her sessions that I was shown my true power and encouraged to embrace that power.  I have gained so many insights as well as having seen miracles as a result of sessions with her.  My life has finally become the amazing adventure I always knew it was meant to be because of information that was revealed to me through sessions with Linayah. If you want to experience true Love and Guidance from your Angels then have a session. You will not
be sorry!"   

Barbara Grace Reynolds, Oklahoma

"I have hosted Linayah's Angel Circles where she channels Archangel Michael, since she started over 5 years ago. I look forward to it every month. It is always such a beautiful experience, the energy of Archangel Michael, is very loving, sweet and powerful and that alone is wonderful. Every gathering is different and perfect. This last month was especially joyous, everyone was laughing and grateful. Archangel Michael always gives us a succinct message and then answers questions which can be personal or general. His messages are full of simple wisdom and usually address a current issue in a clear and loving way. For me it’s not so much about the message or asking a question but simply to be in his loving energy and in the friendship of the group. After Archangel Michael leaves Linayah then briefly channels another being, which may or may not be an Angel. This is always a surprise and fun. It can be Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, St. Germaine, or unexpected beings like Mother Earth (Gaia), Princess Diana, Joan of Arc, Michael Jackson, and Karen Carpenter. Their messages are often playful and always so interesting, given from their own unique loving perspective and wisdom. After the channelings we have time for socializing, and the group of people who attend is always so beautiful. It’s a great way to connect with a lovely spiritual community in a very supportive environment. Attending these Angel Circles each month is a gift I give myself."


Shala Ali

"Because Angels had been popularized by New Age culture, where their presence was watered down to an innocuous fad of temporary interest, just hearing mention of these divine beings would make my eyes roll harder than the most well wound Felix The Cat Clock.  Working with Linayah and her gifts not only was a literal life saver for me, her abilities catapulted Angels back to the Heavenly positioning and respect they rightfully deserve." - Brad Kronen, Astrologer

"Thank you, my dearest soul-sister Linayah, for the most beautiful message of my life which has touched the core of my heart and blessed me. As I closed my eyes in meditation, I felt immense tranquility, warmth, and security. I'm grateful to Archangel Michael for clearing heavy knots, that were serving no purpose for a Higher Good, that I was unnecessarily holding onto. And I'm grateful for giving me benediction of a reassurance of being taken care of despite every odd that life may spring, that I've been seeking for years. I thank
Archangel Haniel and the special name she has given me; the cleansing and the protection she has offered has reiterated the fact and strengthened the knowing that she is the protector and healer that I've always had; I've felt her beautiful hand on my head. I'm going to print and frame your message very prominently in our home as a constant reminder of the love, compassion and goodness that you and the Divine Angels have shown towards me. Thank you, darling Linayah for helping me through a trying period in my life. I will remain indebted to you, for your love and compassion which has opened up a floodgate of brilliant light, hope and happiness."

Vara Mohini, Singapore

"I right away felt the energy of who was working with me. I felt something like an enormous woomph of energy into my heart at the time you obviously started the healing. I sensed Archangel Michael and saw his cobalt blue light. My heart energy was being worked
on and it was opening right up. There was a lot of energy moving through my body generally with a few good tummy gurgles, but the work on the heart was downright amazing. Forty minutes after the session started I knew the work had been completed. The messages you sent in the email were spot on."

Michelle, Melbourne, Australia

"Thank you, dear Linayah for introducing me to my Guardian Angel Felicia during our first session together! It was an amazing experience that I go back to again and again.  With this awareness, my Guardian Angel has become a dear, trusted friend, confidante and ally.  Last night, she appeared to me in one of my dreams. She was interpreting what was
happening and showing me the perfection of its lesson (it was not a happy dream at first).  She told me that one of my lessons in this lifetime is to learn to be self-reliant. I am not a victim and I do not need a rescuer. She and I walked out of the dream together, leaving the drama behind for others to be in. I feel strong and peaceful this morning. Tears of joy and release are flowing...I am growing! Thank you!  Bless you!  Love you!"

Linda, Arizona

"Voice channeling and coaching with Linayah has been a dream. I love the sacred space she holds as it allowed my fears and doubts to melt away. I felt such confidence through the voice channeling and coaching. One of the greatest gifts, of many, she gave me was honoring my process which translates to honoring my “Being”. Linayah’s sessions are amazing, combining truth and unconditional love has helped me experience new freedoms and joy. Thank you, Thank you from the bottom of my heart."  

Jill Mattesich-Udoutch, Pleasanton, CA

"My session with Linayah Kei was absolutely amazing. I am so happy I was guided to her. The messages I received were exactly what I needed to hear at this moment. It is almost overwhelming how beautiful the messages are channeled through Linayah. Your heart will jump from joy when you read them. I am a lightworker on this planet, but I have not opened up fully yet to all my spiritual abilities. And like everyone else I have my fears. So doing this
session I know that I am on the right path. I really recommend to do a session with her. Thank you Linayah!!”

Lene, Norway

"Linayah's angel circle creates a safe environment for personal growth as it attracts like-minded people that are open to energy and alternative healing.  Her gifts of channeling angels, masters, etc. opens us to a deeper connection with source and helps us to stay on track with our own authentic journey.  Another wonderful benefit besides Linayah's beautiful loving presence is that we learn from everyone in the circle, too. I highly recommend attending one if you are interested in moving to the next level of your spiritual growth."  

~Lia Venet, CHHC, AADP  

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